Board of Trustees

Career Oppurtunites

Records and Reports

EMS Training
We build out people from the ground up, no expeirence required. We can facilitate training for EMT, Advanced EMT, and Paramedic
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Fire Training
Our fire training program is designed to keep our first responders ready for anything from car wrecks to commercial structure fires.
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Technical Operartions
Our technical operation team train for every discipline. Swift Water, Rope, Confined Space, Trench, Structural Collapse, and HAZMAT.
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Smart and Agressive firefighters dedicated to life safety, incident stabilization and property conservation.
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Dedicated EMTs and quick thinking Paramedic are always ready to meet citizen needs.
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Peer Support
Keeping every mind ready to serve. Our Metal Health Resilencey Officers help our members work through the stresses of the job.
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Community Outreach
All of our members strive to provide the best service possible. Our community out reach program pushs to meet people before diaster strikes.
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Support Services
Our emergency responders couldn't do anything without the help out our support services. Fleet & Facilities, Finance, QA, Fire Inspectors, and auxilary all make emergency responses possible.
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Federal and State Involvement
Our leadership stands to repersent the fire and EMS service to our elected officials at both the state and federal levels. Pushing the items that help us support our community.
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